
GirlsGoneHypnotized – Skye and Lily’s Hypnosis Session

This is not a fantasy, story-based video. The hypnosis in this video is real. This is Skye’s first time being hypnotized Lily’s seventh. The entire session was captured from two separate camera angles. The editing has been kept to a minimum to allow the viewer to experience the session from beginning to end.

Lily and I recently traveled down south and connected with a new young lady, named Skye, who was pretty interested in being hypnotized for our shoot. So she joined Lily for a session with our returning hypnotist, RHLOVER.The entire session was conducted online through the webcam, with the girls being guided into trance by the hypnotist using relaxation techniques and visualization. The girls are dropped down into a deep trance through a roughly 20 minute induction, and the rest of the shoot is used to play with their minds using some hypnotic triggers (a full list of which can be found below). The girls had a really fun and interesting dynamic together, being playful while out of trance, and fully engaged the entire time.

After the session, all hypnotic suggestions are removed, and both girls are brought completely out of hypnosis, feeling great.


Girls Gone Hypnotized



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