GirlsGoneHypnotized – Barefoot, Topless, and Hypnotized
Jetta’s boyfriend wants to play with her feet, but she won’t allow it. He pulls out a spinning light device and mesmerizes her with it, making her totally agreeable to his demands. In her trance, she begins repeating mantras and chants given to her by her new master as she poses her feet in different ways for him. He commands her to remove her shirt and bra and walk mindlessly through the apartment while repeating more mantras, which she does in a sexy, hypnotized voice. She is ordered to lay on the floor and pose her feet for a more extended amount of time before being hypnotized once more, this time with a swinging pocket watch. As she sits indian style in a hypnotic daze with her arms stretched out in front of her, her master begins to rub her boobs and touch her as he sees fit. She is then ordered onto the couch for more barefoot, topless hypnosis fun!
that was amazin’, man. you the man straight up. Keep on doin’ what you doin’ and keep them vids comin’, man. 2022 gon’ be your year, man, for real. You the president, you the emperor, you the king. You a legenf for real. got mad respect for you dawg ya feel me? keep up the good work man don’t let nothin’ stop you from doin’ what you doin’, man. don’t let nobody bring you down man ‘cuz you the king. much love to you fam. love you man. it’s yo’ time to shine
Thank you man, We won’t let anything bring us down, this is why we added a backup domain(clips4free.is)
loved that video man. I give that video 10 out of 10 stars. Kudos to you for uploadin’ this vid fam. Keep up the good work fam. love the work that you do for real
Thank you, Have a great time man
do you have this one https://girlsgonehypnotized.com/ErynnHypnotized.html
Yes we do
you are truly amazin’, man. 2022 is gonna be your year for sure. It’s your time to shine man. don’t let nothin’ stop you from doin’ what you do best fam. much love fam.
Thank you buddy
When is the next video from Victoria’s only fans ?
I don’t know buddy
Do you have this one?
If u do please upload it, you already upload the first part hope you will upload this at some point
Sorry we don’t