
GirlsGoneHypnotized – Morina’s Second Hypnosis Session

This is MoRina’s second time being hypnotized by our returning hypnotist, RHLOVER. The entire session was conducted online through the webcam, with MoRina being guided into trance by the hypnotist, through visualization and relaxation techniques. I, of course, was in the room with her, filming and interacting with her as needed. MoRina responded extremely well during the first session (found here), due in part to her use of hypnosis in her daily personal life. The hypnotist has her focus her gaze on a spot on the ceiling while she is taken into a state of deep relaxation by his voice, and other visualization techniques. During the 17 minute induction, MoRina is given a trigger that will instantly return her to trance at any time.

This time, around a much greater emphasis is put on personality change, rather than the mindless obedience (which there is only a small amount of towards the end). After the induction, MoRina is given two new personalities: Moe (a womanizing, macho man), and MoRina (a very ditsy bimbo). These personalities can be switched by us at any time with just the snap of our fingers, which we do quite a bit of. We were so interested in these alternate personalities that MoRina had concocted in her mind, that we spent a majority of the session talking to, and interacting with them. Interestingly, after the session, MoRina could remember a bit of the bimbo personality, but not much at all about the tough guy, Moe. A full list of details from this session can be found below.

After the session, all hypnotic triggers are removed, and MoRina is brought out of hypnosis, feeling great, and the three of us briefly discuss the session in a follow-up interview.


Girls Gone Hypnotized


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