GG Fetish Media – Perfect Wife 2837
Morina has followed a previously placed post-hypnotic instruction to get a boob job done for her husband. She is happy to show off her new boobs for him, but becomes insulted when he tells her it’s time to take the next step towards becoming “the perfect wife”. She thought the boob job was enough to please him, but he wants total control over her mind. He puts her into a hypnotic trance with a light device and proceeds to erase and reprogram her mind using a brainwashing instrument. She is forced to stare into a spinning spiral while repeating her new programming instructions. After she submits herself completely to him, she is ordered into a fishnet bodysuit and assigned the number, 2837. She has now become every man’s fantasy: the perfect wife.
More Morina Please! She’s so sexy.
Sure buddy
Could this be the next Girls Gone Hypnotized video https://girlsgonehypnotized.com/MagicControlEden.html if no then that’s fine perfectly fine with waiting for it to come out
you asked this several times and you already got your answer, This is the last time I am answering this question “no”
Could you get this?
Yes we would consider it
I know it’s a very recent video, but in my opinion it deserves a lot.
It’s a good one but like you said it’s very new so we don’t upload it any time soon.
Would it be possible to enable the downloading of the second embed sir? (rubystream)
Unfortunately that is not possible
Could you get this?
We already got
Will You upload this one?
Girls Gone Hypnotized
Rachel’s Fifth Hypnosis Session
We would consider it for the future.
Will You upload this one?