
Hypnolust – Carmen & Amanda (Clip Fourteen)

Are women really from Venus

The girls believe that they are invited guest on a new TV show. The reason why they are invited is the fact that they both claim to be done with the whole dating scene, meaning they are not interested in meeting guys. Of course, according to their own testimony, that all does Not mean that they are interested in women. In fact that would be disgusting. Anyway, we keep talking about how horrible the dating scene is and that men seem to really be from Mars and that the girls are perfectly fine with “making themselves happy,” I am sure you all know what they mean by that. Sure enough though, the second I snap my fingers, the girls seem to have the insurmountable urge to finger, fondle, kiss and hold each other. What can I say, I guess there was something missing in their lives. First they are not aware of what they are doing right there in front of me and the audience.

Let’s see what happens when I let them become aware of their own behavior. OH GOD, now they blame each other for having started this whole being on top of each other. Still, they don’t seem to have changed their attitude which means, we have to do it again. This time it gets even hotter as Carmen starts to go down on Amanda. Why do they end up frozen while trying to make each other happy. (Carmen is actually frozen with her tongue out right in front of Amanda’s tight pussy.

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